If you're using clampToBorderColor, you can set one of the presets supported in Metal. So that was an overview of the new graphics features in A14. TrTextContent (' Holes Settings (On Terrain Data) ') public readonly GUIContent holesCompressionToggle = EditorGUIUtility.
Traditionally with DirectX 9 and 11 based games, most games only used 2-4 cores for the various mechanics: Physics, AI, draw-calls, etc. When memory is available, background textures may be displayed in higher resolution. In such a callback, one could then either call vc_dispmanx_snapshot(), or perhaps more preferably, directly receive a pointer to the new produced frame (for example if an optional flag to grab these was set during the time when the event callback was registered). You may reduce cpu draw call overhead by setting the detail resolution per patch as high as possible There is an option to change the rendering resolution though.